I was not able to attend CDI’s Career Empowerment Summit earlier this month, but I’ve read from colleagues who did that one of the takeaways was how to network more effectively. It’s definitely a skill that most of us can retool. What used to work for you may no longer be working, or what you thought was helpful may really not be producing the results you’d like.
One of the first things to consider is how you are defining yourself, your career brand and why someone would want to hire you. John O’Connor blogged over at Career Thought Leaders about creating a purposeful online brand, and while John’s post focuses on online strategies, developing your career brand offline is equally important.
The next item to tackle is improving your efficiency. Tim Tyrell-Smith of Tim’s Strategy has written about the concept quite a bit recently. Two of my favorite posts of the topic are Career Networking: The Critical Need to Stay in Touch and Networking without a Purpose is Just Socializing.
A large part of any job search is networking, so it makes sense to occasionally review and refine your networking strategy. I’ve written before about the need to break up your job search into smaller manageable bites. Networking is a perfect example of this. Take it day by day, and week by week, but do reexamine your strategy and recommit yourself to improved efficiency. Get yourself back in the game!