Thank people who helped you during your job search
Once you’ve successfully landed your new job, don’t forget to go back and thank people who helped you during your job search. It can easily be overlooked in the excitement of starting in a new position, but it’s truly one of the few things you should not forget to do once you start in a new role.
It comes down to the basics of successfully maintaining your professional network. It’s imperative to communicate with your network not just when you need something from them, but to stay in contact with them. This includes thanking them for their assistance and introductions, learning what’s new with them professionally, and seeing if there’s anyway you can be helping them. Effective, true networking is a continual back and forth dynamic. This will help ensure they’re willing to help you the next time you’re looking to make a move.
So celebrate that new offer! And then before you settle in to your new role, take a moment to look back on your job search and who helped get you to where you are today. Even in today’s digital world, business is still about people, and relationships are still at the core of being successful.
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